1.   The storm may produce damaging winds.

2.   A few of these thunderstorms could produce strong winds but their high speed will preclude any heavy rainfall.

3.   A few of these thunderstorms will produce damaging winds with possible tornadoes.

4.   All of these factors played a role in producing the winds that did most of the European damage.

5.   Some of the storms that form from Oklahoma to Indiana will produce damaging winds by evening.

6.   The clockwise winds around the high will produce offshore winds which will bring unusual heat to the southern California coast.

7.   The circulation around these two lows will produce strong winds from the upper Plains states to the East Coast.

8.   The disturbance that produced high winds in parts of California early this week will press slowly east from Old Mexico to the upper Rio Grande Valley.

9.   The expansive high over Idaho will also produce offshore winds over parts of the California coast.

10.   The result will be a rapid overturning of the lower atmosphere which will cause many cumulus clouds to form and also produce gusty winds.

v. + wind >>共 291
get 10.24%
damaging 4.80%
knock 4.24%
catch 3.28%
have 2.96%
take 2.96%
produce 2.32%
bring 2.32%
shift 2.00%
feel 1.92%
produce + n. >>共 1722
result 3.89%
evidence 1.86%
weapon 1.01%
agreement 0.93%
show 0.90%
goods 0.89%
electricity 0.86%
product 0.85%
film 0.82%
document 0.79%
wind 0.15%
每页显示:    共 29