1.   This process will repeat indefinitely until the supply is switched off.

2.   The process then repeats itself.

3.   As glaciers flow into the water, the ice shelves grow until some point when a large iceberg breaks off, and then the process repeats.

4.   If games are lost in December, the process will repeat at the end of December and so on.

5.   If the inmate is not dead, the curtain will be opened and the process repeated.

6.   If the same antibiotic is given again, the process repeats itself.

7.   Lynch, for one, believes the process could someday repeat itself.

8.   On both Thursday and Friday, the process repeated itself.

9.   The process repeats, sustaining erection.

10.   The process then continually repeats.

n. + repeat >>共 406
history 15.91%
official 5.39%
president 2.61%
pattern 2.44%
government 2.19%
leader 2.10%
cycle 1.94%
process 1.60%
company 1.43%
child 1.09%
process + v. >>共 618
be 32.44%
take 10.16%
begin 5.00%
go 2.68%
continue 2.47%
work 2.03%
involve 1.58%
have 1.44%
start 1.33%
require 1.20%
repeat 0.27%
每页显示:    共 19