1.   A quite different method of evaluation is to construct a process model which seeks to relate input to output.

2.   ABLE however, is unable to trigger the corresponding process model and so the module will not follow the associated process model.

3.   PMODEL its main function is to define a process model using the Process Model Definition Language.

4.   This is user definable and determines which process model the module is to follow.

5.   The current version within LIFESPAN supports process modelling of modules and allows individual modules to follow different lifecycles or process models and thus behave in different ways.

6.   Process models provide a mechanism for defining lifecycles for objects within LIFESPAN.

7.   You may however only install one process model at a time.

8.   If a process model is deinstalled then any outstanding tasks will remain and any state transitions resulting from these tasks will be performed.

n. + model >>共 803
business 13.40%
computer 12.69%
fashion 4.35%
car 3.35%
scale 2.11%
luxury 1.57%
test 1.27%
year 1.14%
process 1.11%
climate 0.94%
process + n. >>共 402
model 3.91%
application 3.79%
server 2.73%
information 2.49%
move 2.01%
claim 1.78%
order 1.78%
work 1.66%
control 1.54%
technology 1.54%
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