1.   Garden-related gifts will be for sale at the museum shop and proceeds support education programs.

2.   Proceeds support the Historical Society of Old Newbury.

3.   Proceeds support construction of a new Teaching Herb Garden at Elm Bank.

4.   Proceeds support important local projects.

5.   Proceeds support Museum of Contemporary Art exhibits and education programs.

6.   Proceeds support the Lee Pitts Swim School, which provides free swimming lessons to inner-city children.

7.   Proceeds support the Music Maker Relief Foundation, a North Carolina-based organization that provides emergency financial assistance to aging blues musicians.

8.   The proceeds will support the program and pay for materials.

9.   In that case the proceeds will support the food pantries of the county where the benefit is held, he said.

n. + support >>共 1229
government 5.09%
administration 3.20%
group 2.78%
party 2.75%
majority 2.08%
country 2.02%
evidence 1.76%
people 1.55%
voter 1.53%
member 1.49%
proceeds 0.15%
proceeds + v. >>共 60
go 49.47%
benefit 14.18%
be 11.70%
help 6.03%
pay 1.60%
support 1.60%
finance 0.89%
fund 0.89%
have 0.71%
fall 0.53%
每页显示:    共 9