1.   Both procedures use pieces of scalp and existing hair to cover balding areas.

2.   All the competing procedures use heat to destroy some prostate tissue, on the theory this will relieve pressure and allow urine to flow more freely.

3.   Both procedures use an ultraviolet eximer laser to remove tiny amounts of tissue to flatten the surface of the cornea, the clear front layer of the eye.

4.   It does not elaborate on police procedures used that night.

5.   The procedure uses specially trained individuals to help bring parties together at little or no cost.

6.   The procedure would use my stored cells to replace my diseased immune system, which would be killed with radiation and chemotherapy.

7.   The procedure uses a tiny microphone inserted into the ear on a thin probe.

8.   The procedure uses the ViewPoint CK System made by Refractec Inc., a medical technology and research firm based in Irvine, Calif.

9.   The tribunals, they say, assume that procedures used in civil courts or military courts-martial would be inadequate to handle such cases.

10.   They therefore depend less on random searching and other common procedures used by sighted workers to find and organize their work.

n. + use >>共 1017
company 4.37%
police 3.55%
people 3.04%
government 2.19%
team 1.10%
group 0.92%
system 0.89%
worker 0.86%
official 0.82%
doctor 0.77%
procedure 0.05%
procedure + v. >>共 318
be 37.39%
take 3.97%
involve 3.52%
require 3.02%
have 2.36%
allow 1.76%
go 1.21%
work 1.21%
become 1.21%
begin 1.06%
use 0.75%
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