1.   Although Haywood voted against the bill itself, his switch on a key procedural vote allowed it to reach the Senate floor and win passage.

2.   An amendment to restore Superfund outlays to current levels was defeated on a procedural vote.

3.   And, privately, some Republican congressmen who came out against the bill on a procedural vote last week were said to be encouraging Giuliani to continue his advocacy.

4.   Before they can vote on the merits of the issue, they will probably have to win a procedural vote over the rules for considering the bill.

5.   Boehlert said he simply had to break with his party on a critical procedural vote over campaign finance.

6.   Both the House Democratic leadership and the White House are now consumed with reviving the crime bill, which was shelved in a procedural vote last week.

7.   A procedural vote expected Wednesday could determine whether the Senate would be allowed to vote on the Democratic amendment.

8.   A procedural vote on Wednesday shows drilling advocates still have a steep climb.

9.   A simple majority was required for final passage, unlike the procedural votes.

10.   But he said he is concerned that procedural votes could be misinterpreted by casual Internet users or wrongly characterized by potential political opponents.

a. + vote >>共 555
final 6.59%
popular 4.76%
electoral 3.18%
presidential 2.62%
the 2.42%
first 2.13%
parliamentary 2.07%
unanimous 1.94%
new 1.85%
single 1.66%
procedural 0.80%
procedural + n. >>共 216
matter 7.83%
vote 7.74%
rule 5.16%
ground 4.42%
issue 4.15%
error 4.06%
change 3.96%
motion 3.13%
reason 2.76%
move 2.40%
每页显示:    共 84