1.   The Lone Ranger, the incarnation of the individual problem solver, is dead.

2.   As problem solver, order taker and allocator of stock, Isabel is the first to notice any increase in sales activity.

3.   However the model for personal selling advocated here is that of a salesperson acting as a need identifier and problem solver.

4.   An architect by training, Vaughn considers himself a problem solver, not a taste-maker.

5.   And while its senior practitioners were certainly able scholars, they were primarily hands-on problem solvers.

6.   Annuals are also superb problem solvers.

7.   Above all else, Dole is a problem solver.

8.   Acquaintances say he developed a reputation as a problem solver early in his career as a marketing executive at the Gap and the B. Dalton bookstore chain.

9.   Administration and union officials alike have praised Jacobson as a strong administrator and a capable problem solver.

10.   But in a high-tech society, students need to be problem solvers.

n. + solver >>共 4
problem 88.10%
crime 7.14%
crossword 2.38%
team 2.38%
problem + n. >>共 412
area 14.53%
loan 14.22%
face 3.16%
solver 2.92%
gambler 2.37%
drinker 1.97%
bank 1.42%
lie 1.42%
spot 1.03%
case 0.95%
每页显示:    共 37