1.   To a lower statistical significance team ability and motivation are highest in Japan, as is clarity of problem definition.

2.   Overall the strongest correlations are with clarity of problem definition, clarity of problem understanding and completeness of information.

3.   In the FRG the most significant variables are flexibility of operation and clarity of problem definition.

4.   The component parts of communication can be seen as clarity of problem definition, completeness of information and clarity of problem understanding.

5.   Secondly, the decisions must be about units which are self-contained according to the problem definition.

6.   An admissible algorithm can then be used to find the optimal path according to the problem definition.

n. + definition >>共 96
dictionary 14.29%
job 4.40%
root 3.85%
muscle 3.30%
problem 3.30%
word 2.75%
module 2.20%
procedure 2.20%
process 2.20%
class 1.65%
problem + n. >>共 412
area 14.53%
loan 14.22%
face 3.16%
solver 2.92%
gambler 2.37%
drinker 1.97%
bank 1.42%
lie 1.42%
spot 1.03%
case 0.95%
definition 0.47%
每页显示:    共 6