1.   In future, prisoners must serve at least half of their sentence before qualifying for any type of early release.

2.   Prisoners here only serve short sentences.

3.   After a prisoner has served the low end of that sentence range, he is eligible for parole.

4.   In New York a prisoner must serve the minimum sentence before being considered for parole.

5.   More prisoners are serving more time for more violent crimes.

6.   Most of the documents focus on the arguments that the prisoners had served long enough and that it was time to show mercy.

7.   Nor is it, strictly speaking, a matter of how much time prisoners serve.

8.   Public safety should be the highest priority, and that means that prisoners should serve their time.

9.   What societal interest is served by prisoners who remain illiterate?

10.   Other prisoners freed were serving time for seizing ships or aircraft in attempts to flee Cuba.

n. + serve >>共 2049
restaurant 1.85%
man 1.67%
woman 1.33%
company 1.05%
president 1.02%
troop 0.99%
member 0.87%
soldier 0.74%
father 0.73%
system 0.61%
prisoner 0.44%
prisoner + v. >>共 550
be 15.99%
have 4.58%
die 3.89%
say 3.65%
escape 2.31%
take 1.72%
refuse 1.41%
demand 1.31%
arrive 1.21%
release 1.17%
serve 1.03%
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