1.   At Bradley County Jail, where Sera has been since August, the prisoner remained calm and articulate Sunday despite being on suicide watch.

2.   He said he did not know how many prisoners remained in lockdown status nor how many weapons or other contraband was found.

3.   In evaluating their mental states, Profit maintained significant discretion over whether prisoners remained at Bridgewater for treatment or were returned to prison.

4.   Other infected prisoners remain integrated in regular cellblocks.

5.   Only about a dozen such prisoners remain in Pakistani custody, all of them too sick or badly wounded to be moved, Paracha said.

6.   Prisoners will remain in their cells while corrections officers help them individually fill out the form.

7.   The prisoners remain in Northern Alliance custody, Rumsfeld said, but he indicated that that could change at any hour.

8.   President Joaquin Balaguer has said the prisoners should remain behind bars, arguing that the decisions to release them were tainted by corruption.

9.   Police would not say how many prisoners remained in the prison or how the inmates escaped.

10.   Although they were stopped by riot police, the prisoners remained in control of the two wings Sunday night, a police spokesman said.

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prisoner + v. >>共 550
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