1.   All the prisoners interviewed complained of the air quality in the cells and the buildup of concrete dust from the unpainted walls. . . .

2.   In the lawsuits, prisoners complained of being maced and beaten for no reason and of being served inedible food.

3.   Prisoners complain that they must buy food, medicine and other necessities from guards, or bribe guards to allow the goods to be brought in.

4.   Prisoners have complained about smoke and some have even filed lawsuits to ban smoking.

5.   Prisoners complained of everything from chronic constipation, skin rashes and swelling of the extremities to shortness of breath, dizziness and headaches.

6.   Prisoners complained that they only received one meal a day of bread and rice.

7.   Prisoners complain that the new design will not fly, so to speak.

8.   The prisoner again complained that he was not feeling well on Sunday afternoon, and the prison doctor who saw him ordered that he be closely monitored.

9.   The prisoners complain about the pill window, where convicts line up to receive their medication.

10.   The prisoner was complaining that being put in segregation for a five-day period constituted cruel and unusual punishment.

n. + complain >>共 945
official 6.16%
critic 3.75%
people 3.67%
resident 3.26%
group 2.84%
leader 2.03%
company 1.64%
player 1.54%
woman 1.48%
worker 1.45%
prisoner 0.31%
prisoner + v. >>共 550
be 15.99%
have 4.58%
die 3.89%
say 3.65%
escape 2.31%
take 1.72%
refuse 1.41%
demand 1.31%
arrive 1.21%
release 1.17%
complain 0.86%
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