1.   After all, the government issued those bonds in prior years.

2.   I have talked to lady presidents of prior years who have said that they did not experience any difficulties.

3.   It was also the fifth consecutive month in which both the number and value of bankruptcies was above the prior year level.

4.   Previously these costs were charged to the provision set up in prior years for the write-down on the withdrawal from property development.

5.   Gold and silver operations performed well with primary refining intakes higher than the prior year and demand for bullion products at record levels.

6.   This deficit was funded by the use of surpluses earned in prior years.

7.   As a result, Salomon even decided to seize the stock options and restricted stock he had received in prior years.

8.   At that time, Attwood had filed seven petitions in this Court during the prior year, and he has filed two since.

9.   -- Change the way steel, automobile and other manufacturers deduct operating losses from prior year income.

a. + year >>共 250
recent 25.41%
past 12.07%
last 10.41%
next 6.96%
first 3.79%
second 2.81%
previous 2.30%
following 2.17%
coming 2.10%
same 1.68%
prior 0.14%
prior + n. >>共 971
approval 5.18%
knowledge 3.38%
year 2.68%
record 2.59%
commitment 2.32%
conviction 2.19%
experience 1.95%
permission 1.83%
notice 1.58%
agreement 1.49%
每页显示:    共 87