1.   The tenant must get the prior consent of the landlord before doing any redecorating in the flat.

2.   Most owners are happy to have their names used for publicity if this is done with their prior consent.

3.   None of these will be documented without prior consent.

4.   Historically it was necessary to obtain the prior consent of the Treasury before transferring all or part of a business to a company outside the United Kingdom.

5.   This derives from the long established principle that the risk to which a guarantor is exposed cannot be altered in any material way without his prior consent.

6.   In practice most buyers are prepared to have their names used for publicity purposes provided that this is done in a controlled manner and with their prior consent.

7.   New conditions which are necessary in order to implement a revised offer will, however, be permitted subject to the prior consent of the Panel.

8.   Another received a transfusion without prior consent.

9.   But these firms would not have to seek prior consent before sharing the information.

a. + consent >>共 134
parental 20.29%
unanimous 10.95%
written 10.07%
mutual 9.34%
prior 4.23%
common 3.07%
chinese 1.90%
informed 1.75%
verbal 1.31%
express 1.31%
prior + n. >>共 971
approval 5.18%
knowledge 3.38%
year 2.68%
record 2.59%
commitment 2.32%
conviction 2.19%
experience 1.95%
permission 1.83%
notice 1.58%
agreement 1.49%
consent 0.88%
每页显示:    共 29