1.   By analogy, the same principle could apply to other insiders, such as merchant bankers, who misuse confidential news.

2.   By the mid-nineties, many adolescents had no answer when asked what moral principles might apply to a particular circumstance.

3.   Do constitutional principles apply to damage awards?

4.   Dunwoody will be seeking to ensure that the same principle applies whatever day of the week it falls on.

5.   It is plain that those principles can not apply where the discretion is not exercised pursuant to a statutory power.

6.   Lawrence sought to see how the domain principle might apply in mice.

7.   Not every learning challenge can have exciting jackpots but the general principle applies.

8.   Puzzle number two is that other changes in financial Markets were meanwhile making it easier for such principles to apply.

9.   Secondly, the same principles apply to a contract between the creditor and one of joint and several debtors.

10.   Similar principles apply in the case of older children .

n. + apply >>共 1176
rule 7.11%
law 6.24%
company 2.65%
ban 2.00%
restriction 2.00%
principle 1.56%
ruling 1.54%
bill 1.14%
standard 1.13%
regulation 1.09%
principle + v. >>共 172
be 43.54%
apply 10.74%
work 1.83%
remain 1.71%
include 1.71%
seem 1.49%
have 1.49%
guide 1.37%
hold 1.26%
require 1.26%
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