1.   Even primitive tribes when dancing submit to the discipline imposed by their leaders.

2.   First, of course, you have to locate your most primitive tribe.

3.   Iii any primitive tribe, rule by male fighters is the most natural form of government.

4.   Ishmael suggests that various primitive tribes and various religions have always looked upon the sea as something mysterious and deep.

5.   The ill are no longer ostracized as moral pariahs except by a few remaining primitive tribes ruled by superstition.

6.   The law of the survival of the fitted governed not only primitive tribes, but the civilized cultures of the ancient world.

7.   To primitive tribes a head, stuck on a pole at the village boundary, averted evil and brought luck.

8.   Among the craggy peaks and isolated plains of a land beyond Afghanistan, two scruffy white con men conquer a series of primitive tribes.

9.   Anthropologists tell of primitive tribes with just six numbers in their counting system.

10.   Dr. Joseph Martin received lots of hugs from the affectionate children of a primitive tribe of Ache Indians who live in rural Paraguay.

a. + tribe >>共 347
indian 17.62%
american_indian 4.17%
local 3.87%
rival 3.38%
indigenous 2.70%
the 2.64%
nomadic 2.39%
native_american 2.33%
yemeni 1.78%
different 1.72%
primitive 1.04%
primitive + n. >>共 389
form 3.67%
art 3.30%
condition 3.18%
life 2.93%
people 2.20%
culture 2.08%
society 2.08%
tribe 2.08%
man 1.96%
cell 1.34%
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