1.   I take it that some very primitive form of life arose spontaneously on earth from chance combinations of atoms.

2.   The first primitive forms of life consumed various materials, including hydrogen sulfide, and released oxygen.

3.   There are, however, other primitive forms of life that can flourish under such conditions.

4.   These simple, single-celled creatures are the most primitive forms of life on earth.

5.   Allelomimetic behavior refers to a primitive form of mimicry, where the dog appears to imitate the behavior of another.

6.   And the Taliban has enforced a primitive form of Islam on Afghanistan that has had the Iranians, as well as everybody else, in shock.

7.   Astronomers also suspect that some primitive forms of life may be possible on two of the largest moons in the solar systbasic building blocks of life.

8.   Baghdad told UNSCOM that the anthrax and botulinum produced at Al Hakam were liquid, the most primitive form of biological weapons.

9.   Because of this, many arts are falling, and quickly lapsing into low crafts and ever-recycling primitive forms.

10.   But in imposing a primitive form of mind control, the researchers acknowledge that the technology takes science into challenging ethical territory.

a. + form >>共 1044
new 4.73%
different 2.77%
top 2.24%
current 1.87%
common 1.78%
good 1.57%
human 1.28%
present 1.27%
rare 1.20%
traditional 0.94%
primitive 0.26%
primitive + n. >>共 389
form 3.67%
art 3.30%
condition 3.18%
life 2.93%
people 2.20%
culture 2.08%
society 2.08%
tribe 2.08%
man 1.96%
cell 1.34%
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