1.   Instead, technicians would bathe it in proteins that direct primitive cells, embryo cells, to become marrow cells.

2.   Bone marrow, for example, contains primitive cells that remain throughout life and that if stimulated, can produce new blood cells to repair damaged ones.

3.   Embryonic stem cells are the primitive cells that have not yet become specialized.

4.   He theorizes that these modules helped carry on life in the most primitive cells living on the planet three billion years ago.

5.   Maybe primitive cells from different tissues combine to form the brain, meaning that it is generated from more than one kind of stem cell.

6.   Stem cells are primitive cells with the ability to multiply and differentiate into specific blood cells.

7.   Stem cells are primitive cells that have the ability to grow into a variety of different body tissues.

8.   Classrooms that were converted into primitive cells and torture chambers are preserved, complete with manacles and chains.

9.   It displays photographs, confessions and primitive cells and torture chambers.

10.   Now they have shown that in heart transplant patients, primitive cells from the patient travel to the new heart and grow new muscle and blood vessels.

a. + cell >>共 936
human 5.69%
terrorist 3.63%
immune 2.97%
new 2.79%
holding 2.26%
normal 2.16%
epithelial 2.06%
living 2.02%
cancerous 1.98%
embryonic 1.86%
primitive 0.22%
primitive + n. >>共 389
form 3.67%
art 3.30%
condition 3.18%
life 2.93%
people 2.20%
culture 2.08%
society 2.08%
tribe 2.08%
man 1.96%
cell 1.34%
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