1.   Ability in the techniques of good management should be a prime objective of all surveyors.

2.   Nevertheless, the prime objective of forest management remains that of timber production.

3.   So more and more families moved to the suburbs, with better schools their prime objective.

4.   The prime objective was to keep plateau production going for as long as possible through increased recovery and satellites.

5.   Their prime objective is to increase profits for their shareholders.

6.   Their prime objective was to learn, and it was easy to create a fun learning environment.

7.   They also achieve another prime objective of Conservative Governments, which is to transfer power from the state to the people.

8.   This instituted a partnership between central and local government with both having as a prime objective the promotion of the education service.

9.   This was the prime objective and the closing of the card catalogue was a consequence.

10.   Your prime objective should assist you in coming to terms with the most limiting aspect of verbal presentations.

a. + objective >>共 321
main 11.71%
primary 4.66%
key 3.33%
political 3.26%
military 3.13%
ultimate 2.33%
prime 2.33%
major 2.33%
clear 2.33%
same 2.00%
prime + n. >>共 620
suspect 11.09%
minister 9.44%
target 7.95%
example 7.93%
candidate 4.00%
contractor 2.28%
location 1.60%
concern 1.56%
spot 1.51%
reason 1.44%
objective 0.81%
每页显示:    共 35