1.   He pushed back a long, greasy spike of hair that kept slipping down and pricking his ear.

2.   I pricked my ears up on that one.

3.   The horse, scenting home and supper, pricked his ears and stepped out.

4.   Evert herself said that, while she felt that parts of it were overstated, the story pricked the ears of some high-dollar players.

5.   His ears were pricked upward, and he appeared to gallop eagerly around the turn once he finished the serious work.

6.   On the backside, she was having a great time, pricking her ears, just galloping along.

7.   The public, and the press, will likely eat it But keep your ears pricked.

8.   Buckskin, paint, sorrel and bay horses prick their ears, snort and run from passers-by.

v. + ear >>共 289
have 12.48%
cover 5.25%
pierce 2.77%
reach 2.28%
catch 2.28%
bite 2.28%
keep 1.98%
put 1.78%
bend 1.68%
close 1.39%
prick 0.79%
prick + n. >>共 46
finger 20.69%
bottom 6.90%
conscience 6.21%
ear 5.52%
eggplant 4.83%
bubble 4.14%
hole 4.14%
dough 4.14%
skin 3.45%
potato 3.45%
每页显示:    共 8