1.   Although Morgan declined to comment, people close to the offering said that KDB was advised last week not to pursue it because of pricing problems.

2.   But after pricing problems and a reputation for unreliability, combined with hot competition from Microsoft, Netscape is now flirting with rock bottom.

3.   For starters, Ford has suffered production delays and encountered pricing problems.

4.   In fact, the low volume contributes to the pricing problem.

5.   Ivax CFO Pfenniger said other generic companies are experiencing similar pricing problems.

6.   NatWest discovered the pricing problems last Wednesday during a routine review of pricing strategies in the options department.

7.   Others are worried about bad executions, or pricing problems on transactions, in a system that works on auto-pilot.

8.   Pricing problems will surely arise again.

9.   Reluctantly, automakers are beginning to admit they have a pricing problem and are lumbering toward solutions.

10.   Small Business Development Centers and the Service Corps of Retired Executives can provide advice on pricing problems.

a. + problem >>共 705
serious 4.46%
economic 3.74%
major 3.48%
financial 2.66%
biggest 2.34%
technical 1.95%
only 1.92%
big 1.91%
potential 1.91%
real 1.87%
pricing 0.04%
pricing + n. >>共 211
policy 8.59%
pressure 6.18%
plan 5.82%
system 5.82%
structure 5.19%
practice 4.92%
formula 4.83%
strategy 4.57%
information 2.78%
scheme 2.60%
problem 1.34%
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