1.   With nine petrol cars being sold to every one diesel, scarcity keeps resale prices up.

2.   Airlines worry that the cost of this extra security will drive ticket prices up so high that people will stop flying.

3.   Clarke kept talking the price up, while Wilkinson kept knocking it down.

4.   Also, a big fund has a difficult time buying stocks without driving the price up, and selling stocks without driving the price down.

5.   Amateur investors find their way to obscure securities and mingle online with both stock promoters trying to drive prices up and short-sellers trying to drive prices down.

6.   Analysts said the sharp daily climbs that pushed prices up fast early in the year may give way to more steady growth in coming sessions.

7.   And by keeping oil prices up, he would greatly please the Russians, whose economy is being saved only by the high price of their main export.

8.   And local investors may not have the confidence in the market to push prices up further, traders said.

9.   And with pump prices up markedly since then, the actual-expense method bears extra consideration.

10.   At first the waves of foreign buying push prices up even more, bringing in even more foreign money.

n. + up >>共 912
end 3.95%
way 3.75%
give 2.91%
wind 2.20%
step 1.99%
wound 1.95%
pick 1.69%
drive 1.47%
speed 1.25%
head 1.20%
price 0.55%
price + p. >>共 68
of 37.32%
for 20.87%
in 12.50%
on 11.14%
to 2.59%
at 2.22%
from 1.48%
by 1.30%
as 1.30%
than 1.00%
up 0.30%
每页显示:    共 74