1.   Ballooning energy prices fueled the increases in both months.

2.   Canadian stocks are expected to open lower for the first time this week on concern that rising producer and commodity prices will fuel inflation, analysts said.

3.   Consumer spending played a big role in the healthy showing, and rising stock prices fueled a big chunk of this spending.

4.   Higher fertilizer prices fueled the rise, the company said.

5.   Leaders of the industrialized world are glaring at Mexico, complaining that petroleum prices are fueling inflation.

6.   Low oil prices fueled much of the economic upturn in the United States, Pacific Rim and Europe, he said.

7.   Oil shares rallied on expectations that higher gasoline prices will fuel improved earnings, while semiconductor shares retreated.

8.   Rising energy prices could also fuel inflation.

9.   Soaring gasoline prices have fueled calls for a government investigation into possible price-gouging at pumps in the Midwest.

10.   Surging oil prices fueled the advance of U.K. stocks this week.

n. + fuel >>共 670
report 3.39%
speculation 1.30%
growth 1.30%
comment 1.11%
move 1.04%
gain 1.04%
price 1.04%
demand 0.91%
dollar 0.91%
cut 0.85%
price + v. >>共 308
be 18.75%
fall 11.71%
rise 11.21%
close 3.83%
drop 2.35%
go 1.80%
remain 1.74%
continue 1.65%
soar 1.64%
move 1.22%
fuel 0.05%
每页显示:    共 16