1.   In the case of grains, they say that a string of poor harvests in the US and elsewhere has temporarily shrunk stocks and thus driven up prices.

2.   Stockpiles of wood pulp in North America and Europe are falling while demand is rising, driving up prices, Danioni said.

3.   American also has been sued by the Justice Department, which accuses the airline of predatory pricing to drive competitors out of routes in the Midwest.

4.   The American Petroleum Institute, which opposes a reserve, says it will further reduce supplies elsewhere, driving up prices.

v. + drive >>共 177
be 8.52%
fight 7.52%
single 5.51%
use 4.51%
clear 3.01%
up 3.01%
combine 2.26%
double 1.50%
work 1.25%
license 1.25%
price 1.00%
price + v. >>共 49
accord 14.29%
drive 5.19%
compare 5.19%
sell 5.19%
compete 3.90%
rent 3.90%
increase 2.60%
push 2.60%
soar 2.60%
rise 2.60%
每页显示:    共 4