1.   Recent surveys show previous estimates of whale numbers to be wildly optimistic.

2.   These amounts are much higher than those given in previous estimates.

3.   Unpublished figures compiled as part of research by the Department of the Environment reveal that acid rain is causing more extensive damage in Britain than previous estimates had suggested.

4.   Such a limited rise would effectively reprieve low-lying island states, such as the Marshall Islands, Tuvalu and the Maldives, from the inundation feared under previous estimates.

5.   Highland authorities and the Scottish Office have persuaded the EC that per capita GDP in the Highlands and Islands was lower than previous estimates.

6.   Although gunshot deaths have been rigorously tracked, previous estimates of gunshot injuries have been imprecise, incomplete or both, the authors of the report said.

7.   A new report by two respected wildlife biologists warns that the number of grizzly bears in and around Yellowstone National Park may be much lower than previous estimates.

8.   All previous estimates of the number of emotionally disturbed inmates have been based on research by Teplin in the Cook County Jail in Chicago.

9.   But Gibson said his survey shows substantial gains elsewhere that far exceed previous estimates from the EDD.

10.   But some observers questioned the figure Thursday, noting that it far exceeds previous estimates.

a. + estimate >>共 348
official 5.97%
average 4.77%
new 3.97%
preliminary 3.07%
initial 2.94%
conservative 2.81%
previous 2.76%
first 2.76%
earlier 2.76%
immediate 2.27%
previous + n. >>共 916
year 6.07%
government 4.20%
day 3.98%
game 2.56%
attempt 1.60%
study 1.58%
season 1.40%
week 1.29%
month 1.26%
night 1.23%
estimate 0.25%
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