1.   In previous Wembley appearances Norman has proved what a tremendous asset he is to the team.

2.   Although in previous public appearances he has said he did not intend to resign, he did not repeat that assertion Sunday.

3.   An elegant, self-possessed singer in previous L.A. appearances, Hynninen here reveals a dashing, virile musical profile as the swaggering count.

4.   At previous appearances, he wore war paint and kissed the trees on the courthouse lawn.

5.   A past criticism of Reeves in his previous Super Bowl appearances with the Broncos was that he tightened up and became conservative.

6.   But based on the success of their previous appearances, few are betting it will be their last concert together.

7.   But there was little of the teasing that marked previous appearances between the two brothers.

8.   Chang skipped the Australian last year and in two previous appearances has never ventured beyond the third round.

9.   Coach Jacques Lemaire pulled a surprise by starting Dunham in a home game after the rookie had been loudly jeered in his previous appearance at Continental Arena.

10.   Despite three previous appearances on the disabled list with the Mariners, the operation was the first of his career.

a. + appearance >>共 984
first 17.51%
public 15.24%
brief 3.72%
last 2.24%
second 2.22%
personal 2.16%
joint 2.12%
rare 2.07%
final 1.70%
physical 1.64%
previous 1.31%
previous + n. >>共 916
year 6.07%
government 4.20%
day 3.98%
game 2.56%
attempt 1.60%
study 1.58%
season 1.40%
week 1.29%
month 1.26%
night 1.23%
appearance 0.38%
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