1.   Setting up and running preventative maintenance programmes and anti-virus software updates.

2.   These include quality small batch production, set-up reductions, preventative maintenance, production control, supplier partnerships and employee development.

3.   In the case of lift installations it is essential that they receive regular preventative maintenance inspections to meet the paramount conditions of safety and operational efficiency.

4.   Carry out a preventative maintenance programme.

5.   Demand for another type of gas turbine tripled, and GE Power Systems completed more installations and preventative maintenance orders during the quarter than it did any prior quarter.

6.   Even if your computer does not crash a lot, running ScanDisk periodically is a good habit to get into for preventative maintenance.

7.   The next part of our preventative maintenance plan is based on the notion that heat kills computers.

8.   If we had the proper staffing, we could do more preventative maintenance.

a. + maintenance >>共 357
routine 11.25%
poor 8.98%
regular 4.15%
building 3.17%
low 2.72%
scheduled 2.57%
preventive 2.34%
annual 2.04%
proper 2.04%
seasonal 1.96%
preventative 0.60%
preventative + n. >>共 47
measure 31.32%
detention 8.24%
action 6.04%
medicine 5.49%
care 4.40%
maintenance 4.40%
treatment 3.30%
security 2.75%
step 2.75%
peacekeeping 2.20%
每页显示:    共 8