1.   Gusinsky was held in preventative detention for several days before he was charged, and sought to challenge the legality of his arrest today in court.

2.   For example, Balladur suggested doing away with preventative detention for first-time suspects.

3.   It is the latest case to draw attention to a system of preventative detention that has been criticized at home and abroad.

4.   Robert McBride was released on a provisional basis by Supreme Court Judge Joaqo Carlos Trinidade, who ruled the time limit for preventative detention had expired.

5.   The leading cause of the protest was alleged abuses of preventative detention laws, which saw their clients sometimes jailed for weeks or months without being charged.

6.   This led the government to propose a new, more lenient preventative detention law.

7.   He said British police would have no authority to use preventative detention or mass arrests, the sort of tactics which England soccer fans have faced abroad.

8.   He was then placed in preventative detention.

9.   The prosecution had requested a sentence of five years for Born, who has been in preventative detention for more than a year.

10.   The three men are now in preventative detention in Tbilisi.

a. + detention >>共 234
juvenile 11.86%
indefinite 9.11%
arbitrary 5.05%
administrative 4.72%
illegal 4.13%
continued 4.06%
home 4.00%
federal 3.60%
pretrial 2.42%
pre-trial 2.29%
preventative 0.98%
preventative + n. >>共 47
measure 31.32%
detention 8.24%
action 6.04%
medicine 5.49%
care 4.40%
maintenance 4.40%
treatment 3.30%
security 2.75%
step 2.75%
peacekeeping 2.20%
每页显示:    共 15