1.   Once formed, the joints were internally sealed with pitch to prevent the escape of any obnoxious gases or liquids.

2.   This prevents any escape across the open ground and many of the rabbits will become entangled in the net.

3.   The lid prevents the escape of poisonous gases.

4.   Hold them tightly all the way home to prevent escape.

5.   The team concluded that distances from engineered crops to compatible weeds must be at least several kilometres for spatial isolation to prevent the escape of engineered genes.

6.   Nevertheless, he added, it had failed to take the necessary steps to prevent an escape of rainbow trout.

7.   Smith has a way of merging pragmatism with logic that prevents the escape of a lot of the hot air which inevitably hypes up these occasions.

8.   All I can say is, we have learned from Hurricane Andrew and previous experience, how to prevent escapes.

9.   Congress has struggled to tighten bankruptcy laws to prevent escape from indebtedness by those who exploit weaknesses in the rules.

v. + escape >>共 125
prevent 12.46%
make 12.13%
plan 5.98%
have 4.98%
offer 4.49%
block 4.15%
seek 3.49%
attempt 3.32%
plot 3.16%
provide 2.66%
prevent + n. >>共 1204
attack 3.54%
violence 1.93%
spread 1.72%
people 1.65%
company 0.97%
infection 0.92%
recurrence 0.88%
problem 0.87%
cancer 0.87%
disease 0.85%
escape 0.34%
每页显示:    共 75