1.   Ample sunshine and very mild conditions will also prevail throughout the Southeast and Northeastern states as high pressure builds over the region.

2.   A casual, family-style ambience prevails throughout.

3.   But a casual ambience prevails throughout the island.

4.   Considerable sunshine will also prevail throughout most of the Southeast, though winds from the east will direct some clouds into western parts of the Carolinas.

5.   Considerable sunshine will prevail throughout the Plains.

6.   Dry weather will prevail throughout most of the West.

7.   Especially if firm and fast conditions prevail throughout the week, as USGA officials hope.

8.   Farther north, generally dry conditions will prevail throughout New England, though a light mixture of rain and snow could briefly brush the southeast coast.

9.   Four years ago, Richards prevailed throughout the region.

10.   Hard times prevailing throughout Georgia have closed local factories and left most of the Jews unemployed.

v. + throughout >>共 1244
spread 5.97%
continue 4.69%
scattered 4.32%
hear 2.27%
feel 1.70%
hold 1.65%
lead 1.51%
use 1.40%
find 1.23%
know 1.19%
prevail 0.36%
prevail + p. >>共 49
across 39.25%
at 11.40%
from 7.53%
for 6.02%
by 3.76%
during 3.76%
throughout 2.80%
as 2.58%
along 2.37%
through 2.37%
每页显示:    共 26