1.   After she moved to New York the pressures eased somewhat.

2.   Construction improved and cost pressures are easing, he added.

3.   These days, the pressure has eased off.

4.   Peer group pressure is easing on that.

5.   And drug prices are starting to creep up as the pressure on prices eases from governments and big private buyers.

6.   And price pressures have eased in recent months.

7.   And when the pressure did ease enough for him to find his receivers, they dropped the ball.

8.   At the same time, pressure eased on mines and utilities, where output has been falling for months, partly because of unusually mild weather.

9.   After he struck out Zeile, the pressure eased, but only slightly.

10.   But all that changed last May, when Italy made the grade and the pressure for austerity eased.

n. + ease >>共 674
tension 5.53%
price 4.93%
government 4.63%
pressure 2.59%
dollar 2.34%
report 2.04%
rain 1.84%
step 1.54%
crisis 1.54%
situation 1.54%
pressure + v. >>共 583
be 31.94%
mount 5.28%
build 4.19%
come 2.96%
grow 2.27%
continue 2.24%
increase 1.95%
force 1.87%
remain 1.67%
make 1.33%
ease 0.88%
每页显示:    共 52