1.   A cold rain will soak sections of Iowa, Illinois, Missouri and Indiana as one center of low pressure drifts east into the lower Ohio Valley.

2.   A deep chill will numb parts of the Middle Atlantic and Southeast states early Sunday morning as strong, cold high pressure drifts east across the region.

3.   A cluster of showers and thunderstorms will be raging at dawn across eastern Texas and western Louisiana as a small area of low pressure drifts to the Gulf Coast.

4.   Broken bands of showers will reach the coast from southern New England to North Carolina on Sunday as weak low pressure drifts near the Virginia Coast.

5.   Dry weather will persist in the Middle Atlantic and Northeastern states as high pressure drifts offshore.

6.   Dull, damp and rather dismal weather will prevail across the Northeast on Saturday as low pressure drifts east along the southern New England coast.

7.   Dry and tranquil conditions will cover most of the East as high pressure drifts over the region.

8.   Farther west, scattered showers and thunderstorms will speckle the southern Rockies as a trough of low pressure drifts overhead.

9.   Farther west, scattered showers and a few thundershowers will develop over parts of California and Nevada as an upper-level low pressure system drifts eastward.

10.   High clouds will thicken in the interior during the afternoon as high pressure drifts off the New England coast.

n. + drift >>共 132
snow 16.53%
pressure 12.29%
conversation 2.54%
music 1.69%
people 1.69%
system 1.69%
wind 1.69%
cloud 1.27%
spray 1.27%
moment 0.85%
pressure + n. >>共 366
system 27.40%
move 6.52%
defense 3.30%
situation 3.17%
area 3.08%
tactics 2.16%
zone 1.89%
center 1.72%
trough 1.63%
drift 1.28%
每页显示:    共 29