1.   The main discussion concerned the position at left wing where Pierre Hontas of Biarritz was under some pressure after mediocre performances.

2.   Casino companies were hit by strong selling pressure after two analysts issued cautionary reports.

3.   Chavez resigned under military pressure after a massive antigovernment demonstration Thursday turned deadly.

4.   Currencies around the region came under pressure after several currency devaluations in Asia and Eastern Europe.

5.   Currencies around the region came under pressure after several devaluations in Asia and Eastern Europe.

6.   Davie, in his fourth year as head coach, is indeed feeling the pressure after a disappointing season.

7.   Hamas leader Sheik Ahmed Yassin offered evidence of that pressure after the talks ended.

8.   He said he felt the pressure after a carefree run to the title match that included an upset of top-seeded Michael Chang.

9.   In spring moisture can finally circulate into large areas of low pressure after the mainly cold and dry winter.

10.   It may come under renewed pressure after Southeast Asian neighbor Malaysia decided last week to stop defending the ringgit.

n. + after >>共 1520
day 1.64%
year 1.60%
week 1.30%
reporter 1.27%
game 1.06%
hour 0.96%
season 0.88%
month 0.85%
hospital 0.82%
time 0.56%
pressure 0.10%
pressure + p. >>共 65
on 42.49%
from 30.09%
for 5.67%
in 5.47%
over 2.23%
off 1.68%
to 1.55%
by 1.46%
at 1.23%
against 0.85%
after 0.51%
每页显示:    共 92