1.   He pressed a switch on the wall and the door opened.

2.   Lily moved away from him and pressed the switch that plunged the room into darkness.

3.   Lily pressed the switch and plunged the room into darkness.

4.   This allowed me to select words from a series of menus on the screen by pressing a switch in my hand.

5.   Leona put some detergent into the dishwasher, shut the door and pressed the switch.

6.   The figure pressed a switch on the wall and the bars of the cage disappeared.

7.   He operates the machinery by pressing a switch with the fingers of one hand, or by head or eye movements.

8.   That means you can turn on the entire system by pressing one switch.

9.   The three detectives jumped on the man and threw him to the ground as he pressed a switch in his hand, apparently trying to detonate the bag.

10.   Three detectives jumped on the suspect and threw him to the ground as he pressed a switch in his hand, trying but failing to detonate the bomb.

v. + switch >>共 237
make 28.96%
flip 7.83%
throw 4.07%
flick 3.56%
consider 2.03%
install 1.93%
turn 1.83%
use 1.52%
announce 1.42%
pull 1.42%
press 1.02%
press + n. >>共 762
charge 13.88%
case 7.22%
demand 6.66%
report 5.28%
button 4.98%
issue 3.50%
claim 2.38%
attack 1.82%
offensive 1.66%
point 1.40%
switch 0.23%
每页显示:    共 10