1.   It is of some interest to note that the press carried very brief notices that Herrera had relinquished the presidency.

2.   A few months ago, the local press carried a photograph taken at a school fundraiser in Soweto.

3.   The press carried us all year, and it tricked a lot of people.

4.   The press carried us all year and it tricked a lot of people.

5.   The press carries reports on official corruption and ineffective leadership that would be unthinkable in neighboring Saudi Arabia.

6.   China insists it has enforced the laws adequately, and its state-run press has regularly carried articles on stepped-up efforts to protect intellectual property rights.

7.   Hardly a week goes by that the popular press does not carry reports of women being raped or minors being sexually abused.

8.   It is well to remember also that the British press sometimes carry adverse reports about the US, France, Germany or Japan and vice-verse.

9.   The state-run press has carried articles each day claiming that hundreds of NLD members have resigned and party branches in outlying areas have been closed.

10.   Apart from these officially acknowledged incidents, the Abidjan press has carried various accounts of other Liberian incursions onto Ivorian territory.

n. + carry >>共 1172
charge 2.72%
plane 2.63%
newspaper 1.98%
man 1.80%
police 1.48%
people 1.46%
group 1.28%
truck 1.08%
store 1.02%
ship 0.92%
press 0.12%
press + v. >>共 545
be 15.60%
report 11.20%
say 5.64%
have 3.45%
speculate 1.68%
give 1.12%
get 1.08%
go 1.08%
take 1.03%
do 0.95%
carry 0.65%
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