1.   A bill introduced by the Labor Party in the Sao Paulo City Council recently would ban what the press here is calling discrimination by elevator.

2.   Only the press called him John-John.

3.   Press also called on Wilson to step forward and take personal responsibility for hiring the woman rather than blame his ex-wife.

4.   Press called the settlement amicable but said Republic may not have the marketing expertise or financial resources to support the Lexus and Toyota distribution channels.

5.   Sometimes the U.S. press calls it her finest moment.

6.   The press calls it a recess, and members call it their district work period.

7.   The press did not call him a superspy, as it does Craig Williamson, who mailed bombs in letters and earphones to anti-apartheid activists.

8.   The official Serbian press has called the massacre of the family a fake.

9.   The phones were ringing, the press was calling, the heat was on.

10.   When the Iraqi press called her a snake this week, she appeared in the Security Council wearing a serpent-shaped brooch.

n. + call >>共 869
plan 4.35%
official 4.02%
group 3.10%
leader 3.06%
government 2.06%
people 1.96%
agreement 1.74%
critic 1.65%
report 1.08%
party 1.04%
press 0.09%
press + v. >>共 545
be 15.60%
report 11.20%
say 5.64%
have 3.45%
speculate 1.68%
give 1.12%
get 1.08%
go 1.08%
take 1.03%
do 0.95%
call 0.90%
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