1.   If anything, Yeltsin has appeared more vigorous and in control since Korzhakov was dismissed and the president underwent bypass surgery and hired a new team of advisers.

2.   Last Tuesday, Russians woke up to find that the president was finally undergoing his much-awaited bypass surgery.

3.   The idealistic union president undergoes a thorough transformation.

4.   A bill that would require the president to undergo a medical exam, with the results passed on to parliament, narrowly failed in parliament on Thursday.

5.   After the Russian president underwent heart bypass surgery last year, Rostropovich was one of the first people to telephone.

6.   Akchurin said the president will undergo echocardiography and radioisotopic myocardium examination before the session.

7.   Fleischer said the president underwent an electro-cardiagram test Sunday and his doctor saw no need for further tests.

8.   Gore was the first foreign leader to see Yeltsin since the president underwent nose surgery last Saturday, the day before Russian troops entered the breakaway republic of Chechnya.

9.   Russian president undergoes successful heart bypass.

10.   RUSSIA CHERNOMYRDIN -Russian prime minister Victor Chernomyrdin has held his first cabinet meeting since temporarily taking over power while president Yeltsin undergoes a heart operation.

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president + v. >>共 673
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