1.   But when the president selected Lt. Col. Jean-Marie Fourel Celestin as the new director, another controversy immediately erupted.

2.   Each president should select a few key issues, work on them, and then persuade the American people that his ideas are good, Alexander said.

3.   Generally, a president selects his own portraitist, seeking an image he believes best suits him.

4.   In the past, the outgoing Mexican president selected the PRI candidate in an internal elimination process.

5.   In only two weeks, the Democratic National Committee is to meet here to ratify whomever the president selects as national chairman.

6.   Instead, the president selected someone relatively well-known within the AIDS advocacy community but not outside it.

7.   Presidents carefully select the predecessor they wish to emulate.

8.   When people speculate about the future, the guessing game is over who the president might select to carry on his legacy.

9.   Also, the legislation would provide security for the next secretary of state once the next president selects that person, and before he or she takes office.

10.   Also on Thursday, the president selected one of his biggest campaign contributors, John N. Palmer, to be ambassador to Portugal.

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president + v. >>共 673
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