1.   Absorbent wall cladding can sometimes present problems.

2.   As long as house prices rise this will present no problem.

3.   Both relatively objective and relatively subjective criteria present other problems.

4.   But while Manuela was a mirror in which I glimpsed troubling facets of my own personality, hers presented no problems.

5.   Doors that swing inwards present the problem of curtain fabric interfering with the operation of the doors.

6.   During the war, obtaining cable traffic presented no problem because of mandatory cable censorship.

7.   He has cleared the first obstacle cleanly but knows others will present greater problems.

8.   How such racist pornographic material escaped the rye of black activists presents a problem.

9.   In my experience these features present problems for many young readers.

v. + problem >>共 361
have 22.63%
solve 9.06%
cause 5.52%
face 3.36%
address 2.77%
create 2.61%
pose 2.36%
fix 2.32%
resolve 2.12%
discuss 1.64%
present 1.17%
present + n. >>共 1427
evidence 5.11%
case 4.16%
problem 3.92%
plan 3.06%
proposal 2.89%
report 2.85%
finding 2.78%
award 2.68%
challenge 2.03%
result 1.50%
每页显示:    共 379