1.   As oil resources become more scarce by the end of the century, can agriculture continue in its present form?

2.   Existing species were not created in their present form at the beginning of life on this planet.

3.   If we wish to preserve a landscape in its present form we must actively direct it towards that end.

4.   In its present form it is substantially an early eighteenth-century building, and now serves as a local nursing home.

5.   In its present form it would have no relevance to homosexual unions and little relevance to a union involving a transsexual.

6.   In its present form this story is of recent origin, although it is derived from an ancient tale.

7.   In its present form, grid method demands that vast amounts of information are condensed into simple verbal labels.

8.   It is extremely unlikely that if the House of Lords did not exist it would be invented in its present form.

9.   It is not likely to survive in its present form.

a. + form >>共 1044
new 4.73%
different 2.77%
top 2.24%
current 1.87%
common 1.78%
good 1.57%
human 1.28%
present 1.27%
rare 1.20%
traditional 0.94%
present + n. >>共 1491
system 3.56%
situation 2.99%
government 2.59%
form 2.28%
day 2.15%
time 2.12%
crisis 1.56%
level 1.47%
study 1.28%
state 1.26%
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