1.   A sense of urgency begins to make its presence felt.

2.   After two miles of road, and Maybe the first blisters and unknown muscles making their presence felt, came the test!

3.   Bruce wasted little time making his presence felt by scoring in the first ten minutes of the game.

4.   But Kiker quickly made his presence felt.

5.   Eva was more used to making her presence felt.

6.   In music, art, architecture, and so on, they make their presence felt.

7.   She was a very pretty girl and made her presence felt almost at once.

8.   Some ant cuckoo females make their presence felt in more dramatic fashion.

9.   Instead, a store detective will look for suspicious actions and then try to put off the would-be thief by staring them out and making their presence felt.

n. + feel >>共 879
people 9.04%
player 2.27%
presence 1.66%
woman 1.51%
official 1.38%
company 1.35%
child 1.32%
investor 1.20%
parent 1.15%
fan 1.08%
presence + v. >>共 363
be 31.60%
feel 8.89%
make 3.36%
help 3.01%
seem 1.78%
remain 1.73%
have 1.58%
give 1.33%
prevent 1.19%
mean 1.09%
每页显示:    共 179