1.   A major reason the Mariners traded Griffey was their concern that his lame-duck presence would create a fatal distraction.

2.   He lost, but his presence created a record attendance at Del Mar that day.

3.   His mere presence should create an air of expectancy.

4.   His presence created a minor stir in front of the museum after a white limousine dropped him off for a tour Saturday morning.

5.   It sometimes seemed as though he could not help enjoying the buzz his presence created, especially among women.

6.   Last, their presence creates an atmosphere of competition, which spurs designers to do better work.

7.   The KLA presence could create a new set of problems for the peacekeepers.

8.   There is some fear that his presence could create the impression that the proceedings are a clash between Gingrich and Clinton.

9.   When Hope showed up in court, his mere presence created such a sensation with jurors that the judge politely asked him to leave.

10.   Arafat did not go to the funeral because he bowed to Israeli concerns that his presence could create a security problem, his aides have said.

n. + create >>共 2049
company 3.20%
government 1.71%
merger 1.55%
bill 1.34%
deal 1.13%
plan 0.84%
user 0.79%
people 0.78%
law 0.78%
economy 0.74%
presence 0.14%
presence + v. >>共 363
be 31.60%
feel 8.89%
make 3.36%
help 3.01%
seem 1.78%
remain 1.73%
have 1.58%
give 1.33%
prevent 1.19%
mean 1.09%
create 0.59%
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