1.   By prescribing antibiotics, a doctor signals to a patient that the condition is treatable and that the patient is being cared for, Avorn wrote.

2.   Doctors became liberal in prescribing antibiotics as a precaution against the deadly ailment.

3.   Other doctors feel that a bacterial infection may follow on top of the viral infection and that they would protect their patients from this secondary infection by prescribing antibiotics.

4.   This includes prescribing preventive antibiotics to kill bacteria.

5.   Dr. Valentin Fuster, president of the American Heart Association, said it is much to early to consider prescribing antibiotics to people at risk of a heart attack.

6.   Medical authorities said in new guidelines that merely finding traces of anthrax clinging to surfaces does not warrant closing buildings or prescribing antibiotics.

7.   Preliminary research suggests that prescribing antibiotics immediately after a heart attack or episode of severe chest pain might significantly reduce the chances of a further attack.

a. + antibiotic >>共 171
new 8.03%
intravenous 7.65%
common 4.40%
preventive 4.02%
oral 3.63%
powerful 3.44%
different 2.87%
potent 2.29%
broad-spectrum 2.10%
natural 1.91%
prescribing 1.34%
prescribing + n. >>共 48
drug 12.24%
doctor 9.18%
antibiotic 7.14%
medication 6.12%
physician 5.10%
antidepressant 3.06%
marijuana 3.06%
practice 3.06%
error 2.04%
exercise 2.04%
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