1.   As fertility doctors implanted more eggs or prescribed stronger doses of egg-stimulating drugs, the number of quads grew.

2.   Doctors found guilty of prescribing such doses, if the bill becomes law, could face criminal sanctions, including long-term prison sentences.

3.   Dr. Brandfonbrener said she had often prescribed small doses to musicians, with great success.

4.   Fisher is not the first pain doctor to land in legal troubles for prescribing high doses of opiates.

5.   He solves most problems by applying tortured logic and prescribing massive doses of vitamin supplements.

6.   In fact, in his hourlong remarks, Powell painted himself as a staunch free marketer, who would prescribe strong doses of deregulation for the economy.

7.   Now, doctors can prescribe small doses of sedatives such as Midazolam, taken either orally or nasally, to calm the child before doing the procedure.

8.   Oregon is the only state where doctors can prescribe lethal doses to end suffering.

9.   SWALLOW DOWN, BORIS Doctors treating Boris Yeltsin for heart problems have prescribed doses of a mixture of brandy, beet juice, carrot juice and black radish juice.

10.   The law permits doctors to prescribe large doses of drugs to kill pain, and it is no crime if the accumulation of those drugs kills a patient incidentally.

v. + dose >>共 151
take 10.70%
get 9.58%
receive 8.03%
give 6.76%
use 4.08%
need 3.38%
miss 3.38%
administer 2.82%
prescribe 2.11%
inject 2.11%
prescribe + n. >>共 259
drug 27.26%
antibiotic 6.79%
medication 5.97%
medicine 5.35%
marijuana 2.57%
treatment 2.16%
pill 1.95%
antidepressant 1.75%
dose 1.54%
rest 1.34%
每页显示:    共 15