1.   The same applied if antibiotics were prescribed, or a referral to a specialty, usually orthopaedics, was required.

2.   Yeast remedies are available over the counter, and a physician can prescribe antibiotics for chlamydia, gonorrhea, and others.

3.   And she suggests diagnostic tests, such as those available for strep throat and flu, before prescribing antibiotics.

4.   Asked what how he decides whether or not to prescribe antibiotics to his patients, Dr. Peter Farkas did not hesitate.

5.   Because they suspected she had a viral infection, doctors did not prescribe antibiotics until Saturday when all four cultures of her blood grew microbes that resembled Bacillus anthracis.

6.   A COMPROMISE FOR ANTIBIOTIC PRESCRIPTIONS Prescribing antibiotics for a cold is a bad idea.

7.   After four or five days of this agony, I went to see a nurse practitioner, who diagnosed the jaw pain as sinusitis and prescribed an antibiotic.

8.   But doctors now often do not obtain cultures from patients with suspected pneumonia or other conditions before prescribing antibiotics.

9.   But if doctors know this, why are they still prescribing antibiotics for colds?

10.   But it is possible the food left Bryant with a bacterial infection, and Moe prescribed antibiotics as a precautionary measure.

v. + antibiotic >>共 113
take 22.45%
give 11.29%
prescribe 9.09%
use 7.44%
receive 6.61%
administer 2.07%
get 2.07%
need 1.93%
stockpile 1.24%
distribute 1.24%
prescribe + n. >>共 259
drug 27.26%
antibiotic 6.79%
medication 5.97%
medicine 5.35%
marijuana 2.57%
treatment 2.16%
pill 1.95%
antidepressant 1.75%
dose 1.54%
rest 1.34%
每页显示:    共 66