1.   Another possibly portentous finding is that CEOs of Internet companies no longer are receiving premium pay.

2.   A system of incentives evolved using premium pay to reward exceptional performance and efficient use of tractors.

3.   But the plan dodged the tough political tradeoffs between reduced benefits and increases in the premiums workers pay into their Social Security accounts out of every paycheck.

4.   He said one major American company recently came to ask him if they could avoid the union altogether by offering premium pay and benefits.

5.   His benefit pension plan was eliminated along with his premium pay for nighttime work.

6.   However, the premium pay attorneys are getting these days does not necessarily extend to the entire legal profession.

7.   Moore had worked as a stripper when a friend told her about work at NTL and the premium pay.

8.   People enrolled in Part B pay a premium.

9.   The company had sought to make Saturday a regular work day without premium pay, which the union refused to accept.

10.   The PPA then recommended a reasonable premium pay or night shift differential pay to replace the no overtime pay provision of the order they repealed.

n. + pay >>共 276
overtime 16.74%
price 3.85%
retirement 3.41%
consumer 3.41%
teacher 3.41%
vacation 2.97%
incentive 1.98%
disability 1.98%
company 1.87%
unemployment 1.54%
premium 1.21%
premium + n. >>共 312
price 13.45%
service 5.29%
increase 4.38%
brand 3.70%
rate 3.63%
channel 3.55%
payment 3.10%
income 3.10%
wine 2.57%
seat 1.74%
pay 0.83%
每页显示:    共 11