1.   As a premier athlete, you have virtually no experience at paying for your own clothes.

2.   As selfish sports fans, you want to see a premier athlete bleed every ounce of talent.

3.   A book was published exposing the East German state policy of giving its premier athletes illicit drugs, and Drechsler was identified as one of the artificially enhanced wunderkind.

4.   Hoddle, who has coached premier athletes like horizontal-jump standout LaShonda Christopher, watched and was immediately smitten with the idea that he could help Volpentest.

5.   She won the FINA Prize that goes to the premier athlete in any aquatic sport.

a. + athlete >>共 911
professional 7.85%
olympic 4.25%
young 3.86%
female 3.79%
great 2.84%
pro 2.26%
top 2.24%
american 2.11%
best 2.11%
black 2.04%
premier 0.09%
premier + n. >>共 399
league 9.68%
division 4.41%
player 3.80%
event 3.55%
team 1.59%
center 1.47%
race 0.98%
position 0.98%
issue 0.86%
sport 0.86%
athlete 0.61%
每页显示:    共 5