1.   Anyway, in the course of these preliminary studies I succeeded in identifying certain exceedingly small but specific bodies in genes.

2.   But do you agree that we ought at least to carry out some preliminary studies?

3.   In this preliminary study a small number of units were examined.

4.   Flexibility is the keynote and is a feature often recommended in pilot studies preliminary to a full-scale study.

5.   Our preliminary studies indicate that raised circulating levels of CCK cause degranulation in pancreatic acinar cells.

6.   Preliminary studies confirmed that pepsin was stable when stored in this way for up to seven months.

7.   A preliminary study in which topical treatment with the local anaesthetic lidocaine was evaluated, is therefore of interest but further controlled studies are needed.

8.   Preliminary exploratory studies were supported by the Wellcome Trust and Save the Children Fund.

9.   Armand Chaput heads a team at Lockheed Martin in Fort Worth that has done preliminary studies on what the company calls an uninhabited combat air vehicle.

a. + study >>共 658
new 13.19%
recent 6.98%
further 3.76%
previous 3.06%
scientific 2.35%
earlier 2.26%
clinical 1.27%
animal 1.24%
independent 1.17%
first 1.12%
preliminary 0.91%
preliminary + n. >>共 569
hearing 6.88%
result 6.72%
investigation 5.74%
report 5.69%
talk 4.48%
injunction 4.21%
round 3.47%
finding 3.19%
agreement 3.03%
test 2.83%
study 1.65%
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