1.   According to Davidson, finding happiness may mean going no further than your very own forehead - the left prefrontal cortex of your brain, to be exact.

2.   But early damage to the prefrontal cortex seemed to have disrupted some kind of morality circuit.

3.   But this circuit in the prefrontal cortex seems to be irreplaceable, he said.

4.   He says that some studies have found that antidepression drugs increase left prefrontal cortex activity, although there is no research yet on how long the effects last.

5.   Humans also evolved with a prefrontal cortex capable of rationally overriding those extramarital temptations.

6.   Just behind the forehead, in the squiggly interstices of the prefrontal cortex, an intention takes form.

7.   Neuroscientists said the most striking result was the activation of the same patch of the left hemisphere lateral prefrontal cortex for both verbal and spatial tasks.

8.   Nor does the research say anything about whether the performance of the lateral prefrontal cortex is largely innate or is heavily influenced by learning and experience.

9.   People blessed with effervescent left prefrontal cortices are much more likely to be smiling.

10.   The left prefrontal cortices of self-described happy people were bursting with nerve-cell activity while those who were depressed had more active right prefrontal lobes.

a. + cortex >>共 29
visual 25.20%
prefrontal 15.75%
auditory 14.17%
primary 7.09%
frontal 4.72%
higher 3.15%
left 3.15%
parietal 3.15%
lateral 2.36%
orbital 2.36%
prefrontal + n. >>共 7
cortex 68.97%
lobe 13.79%
activity 3.45%
area 3.45%
patient 3.45%
region 3.45%
trough 3.45%
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