1.   It is difficult to predict the outcome of changes in the terms of employment of teachers.

2.   The major defence pollsters give is that quota samples generally predict the outcome of elections pretty well.

3.   This accords with our finding that median arterial-alveolar oxygen tension ratio predicts respiratory outcome better than the minimum ratio.

4.   We have shown that red cell volume predicts outcome in preterm infants.

5.   It was impossible to predict the outcome of the election.

6.   We cannot predict the outcome with absolute certainty.

7.   There is no surefire way to predict the outcome.

8.   Our inability to predict the outcome of dreams is no reason to cease dreaming.

9.   In view of the comparatively greater possibilities of error, it is perhaps surprising that the early polls came as close as they did in predicting electoral outcomes.

v. + outcome >>共 299
pend 13.80%
await 11.09%
affect 6.78%
determine 5.95%
influence 5.49%
predict 4.88%
decide 4.12%
change 3.20%
know 2.36%
accept 1.71%
predict + n. >>共 842
victory 4.64%
outcome 3.66%
future 2.75%
rain 2.72%
growth 2.09%
weather 1.95%
success 1.55%
change 1.37%
result 1.29%
end 1.06%
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