1.   But independent analysts in the Market predicted disaster.

2.   And a host of institutional investors are far from predicting disaster for stocks.

3.   And a host of institutional investors are far from predicting disaster for stocks now.

4.   And he has doggedly pursued his vision even when others predicted disaster.

5.   But so far no one is predicting disaster.

6.   He did, though, predict disaster for the Gold Cup when the series format was unveiled last winter.

7.   In nail-biting detail, Thompson highlights the hoops scientists jumped through there for basic funding and the tightropes they walked when predicting disaster.

8.   Liberal Democrats predicted disaster, saying that thousands of children would be sleeping on grates in Chicago and other big cities.

9.   Many critics predicted disaster in this role, which requires vocal heft and stamina.

10.   McCain co-chair Warren Rudman predicted disaster if Bush refuses to take up the McCain campaign-finance mantle.

v. + disaster >>共 220
spell 9.84%
avert 7.56%
cause 6.01%
prevent 5.74%
avoid 5.56%
investigate 2.73%
bring 2.64%
predict 2.64%
blame 2.46%
follow 2.46%
predict + n. >>共 842
victory 4.64%
outcome 3.66%
future 2.75%
rain 2.72%
growth 2.09%
weather 1.95%
success 1.55%
change 1.37%
result 1.29%
end 1.06%
disaster 0.83%
每页显示:    共 29